210.320.2722 [email protected]

Landscape Design Sophistication

The Michigan State University study survey respondents ranked a landscape’s sophistication as most important when considering the perceived value of a home. While the sophistication of a landscape design is something that is hard to put into words for most consumers,...

Winter is Coming

Winter is coming, so don’t forget to protect your plants when the freezing temperatures hit. Frost is detrimental to tropical or newly established plants. Frost occurs when air temperatures dip below 32°F and ice crystals form on plant leaves, injuring, and sometimes...

Fall Leaf Cleanup Tips and Tricks

As winter approaches, we start to see the dying of leaves. As these leaves die and fall off, we end up with quite the clean-up. But getting out the rake and trash bags isn’t your only option. Here are a few tips to hopefully make that clean up task a little easier and...

Ultimate Winter Flowers

Cyclamen Cyclamens, the perfect winter flowers. Cyclamens are a hardy perennial flower that blooms from fall to spring. This flower is naturally found in the Mediterranean, as well as some surrounding areas. Cyclamens bloom throughout fall, winter and spring when the...