Explore Our Plant Library: Perfect for Landscape Architects
Plant Library
Our plant library provides inspiration for landscape architects that show various plants and flowers. Considered in the selection criteria for aesthetic appeal and use in functional landscape design. Our range includes hardy and sustainable species, perfect for creating inviting and memorable spaces.
From the solid greenery of native plants requiring very little maintenance to the cute quirkiness of climbing plants for arbors, every choice is made to ensure beauty, life, and sustainability.
This gallery gives, as in most cases, inspiration for architects and their clients, who would be able to envision their outdoor space better by assuring themselves that their design would not only complement the home and its architectural style but also the natural surroundings.
From quiet garden oasis to a vibrant, functional outdoor living area, our plant library adds the essential element to having the vision elegantly and properly executed.



Agave Colorata

Agave Ferox

Agave Murpheyi

Agave Parryi

Agave Weberi

Agave Whales Tongue

Aloe Blue Elf

Asian Jasmine


Bicolor Iris

Bird of Paradise

Blazing Star

Blue Columbine Flower

Blue Daze



Burning Bush

Butterfly Iris


Cana Lily

Cast Iron

Cherry Laurel


Copper Canyon Daisy


Crimson Barberry



Cuphea Bat Face

Cuphea David Verity

Daisy Blackfoot

Daisy Bush



Dwarf Katie Ruellia

Dwarf Pomegranate

Elaeagnus Silverberry

Elephant Ear

Elephant Ear Black


Euonymus Emerald Gaiety

Euonymus Golden

Fall Aster Lily

Fern Asparagus

Fern Foxtail

Fern Holly

Fern River


Firecracker Plant

Garden Hydrangea

Gold Dust Acuba

Grass Adagio

Grass Aztec

Grass Cosmopolitan Maiden

Grass Fountain

Grass Giant Liriope

Grass Gulf Muhly

Grass Horsetail Reed

Grass Mexican Feather

Grass Monkey

Grass Pampas

Grass Pink Muhly

Grass Purple Fountain

Grass Umbrella

Green Santolina

Grey Santolina


Holly Burford

Holly Dwarf Yaupon

Holly Needlepoint

Holly Nelly R Stevens

Holly Pride of Houston Yaupon

Holly Sky Pencil

Honeysuckle Coral

Honeysuckle Halls


Impatiens Mix

Indian Hawthorn Pink

Indian Hawthorn White

Indigo Spires

Italian Cypress

Ivy English

Ivy Fig


Japanese Aralia

Japanese Blueberry

Japanese Blueberry Shrub

Japanese Boxwood

Japanese Yew

Jasmine Confederate Star

Jasmine Primrose

Juniper Bluepoint

Juniper Sea Green

Lambs Ear

Lantana Confetti

Lantana Gold

Lantana Purple

Lantana White

Lavendar Plant

Leatherleaf Mahonia

Ligustrum Japonica

Ligustrum Variegated Privet

Ligustrum Waxleaf

Little John Bottlebrush



Marigold Mexican Mint

Mexican Heather

Mexican Petunia

Nandina Domestica

Nandina Firepower

Oleander Pink

Oleander Red

Oleander White


Philodendron Selloum

Philodendron Split Leaf

Pinapple Guava

Pink Skullcap

Pittosporum Dwarf

Pittosporum Variegated

Plumbago White

Plumbego Blue

Pomegranate Dwarf

Prickly Pear Purple

Prickly Pear Spineless

Pride of Barbados

Rattlebox Plant

Red Tip Photina

Rose Belindas Dream

Rose Coral Drift

Rose Mutabilis

Rose Nacodoches

Rose Red Knockout

Rose Yellow Knockout

Rosemary Upright

Rosemary Weeping

Sage Russian

Sago Palm

Salvia Greggii Raspberry

Salvia Greggii Red

Salvia Greggii White

Salvia Mexican Blue Sage

Salvia Victoria Blue

Shrimp Plant

Silver King Euonymus

Society Garlic

Southern Wax Myrtle

Stella Doro Daylily


Summer Phlox

Sweet Olive

Texas Sage

Turks Cap

Variegated Ginger


Viburnum Suspensum

Vinca Major

Vitex Chaste Tree



Yucca Red

Yucca Red Brakelight

Yucca Sotol